Improving Emacs' iCalendar support

First published .
A screenshot of icalendar-mode

Motivations and background

I've started to encounter appointment data in iCalendar format more often, and want to be able to make better use of it. I regularly get emails with iCalendar attachments these days: when I buy a train or plane ticket, when I have to deal with some department in a bureaucracy, when I schedule an appointment via a website, when I'm invited to a videoconferemce. I'd like to be able to use it more myself, too: when I schedule an appointment with a student or colleague via email, for example.

For a long time, Emacs was the only place I kept track of my calendar data. I started with Org mode, and eventually started using the diary too. This was fine as long as I could make appointments from my computer; but recently I've needed to make a lot of appointments when I'm away from it, e.g. at a doctor's office, where I only have a small computer that (alas!) does not run Emacs (my phone). So at the moment I'm managing my calendar via my email provider's web interface, which at least works on both my small computer and my larger computer, and syncs the data reliably between client and server.

But I don't have a good way to sync the data with Emacs. I can't reliably and cleanly keep the data both in one of Emacs' plain text formats and on my mail provider's server. I've tried various things, from the org-caldav package to manually "inviting" Emacs to every appointment I create on my phone, but so far I haven't found something that works reliably and allows me to view all my calendar data and create new appointments from outside Emacs.

I know other people who are in the same situation. One person I know even started using Emacs just so she could use Org mode; but she gave up when I couldn't give her a good solution for accessing her appointment data on her phone. This is a shame, and it's motivated me to try to change the situation.

iCalendar format is designed to be used as an "on the wire" format, for syncing data between calendar applications via e.g. HTTP or email. It's supposed to be the solution to the problem of syncing calendar data, but Emacs needs better support for it before it can be used that way in Emacs.

What Emacs has

Emacs currently contains at least three partial iCalendar implementations. There's icalendar.el, which translates iCalendar data to and from Emacs' diary format; there's gnus-icalendar.el, which is focused on replying to meeting requests in iCalendar email attachments; and there's ox-icalendar.el, which exports Org mode data to iCalendar format. There are also third-party packages that build on these, like org-caldav and calfw.

None of them supports the full standard. icalendar.el is the most complete, and it still serves its purpose well enough. But because it is mostly focused on converting iCalendar data to and from Emacs' diary format, it doesn't support a lot of iCalendar features that are not relevant, or not representable, in the diary format. (This is clear from the To Do list in the code itself, which contains items like "check (unknown) elements", "recurring events!", and "alarm".) The code is also showing its age. It dates from 2002, before the current iCalendar standard was published (RFC5545, in 2009). It doesn't use many modern Elisp niceties, like structs or EIEIO classes or even keywords; it does most of its work internally with just string regexes, lists, plain symbols, and a lot of c[ad]+r calls.

Most problematically from my point of view, it doesn't have much of a public API. It has two high-level import functions (icalendar-import-buffer and file) and two high-level export functions (icalendar-export-region and -file), which only convert directly to and from diary's text format: there are no documented Elisp data structures that other applications can use as an intermediary. (These data structures exist, of course, and icalendar.el has various functions for dealing with them, but there are not as many as one might like, and they all begin with "icalendar–", so external users are hesitant to rely on them.)

These limitations have an effect on the rest of the ecosystem. Some programs rely on icalendar.el and thus inherit its limitations. This is what gnus-icalendar.el does, for example: its uses icalendar.el as a parser, and converts the resulting list data structure to EIEIO objects for further processing. Other programs, like ox-icalendar.el, skip icalendar.el entirely and just implement the subset of iCalendar they need for their own purposes. ox-icalendar.el is better than icalendar.el at exporting Org mode data to iCalendar format; but it is export-only, and has no support for parsing iCalendar data into Org. (This is the main source of pain for me personally; see above.)

What I'd like Emacs to have

I'd like to see Emacs gain a full-fledged RFC5545 implementation that is primarily designed as a library, with an API that's general enough to be used by many applications, whether Gnus, Org, diary/calendar, or third-party packages. It should have a well-documented set of Elisp data structures to represent all the iCalendar components and properties, and should support parsing these data structures from, and serializing them to, iCalendar's text format.

Calendar data is generally only useful if you have all your data in one place: I can't know whether I can schedule an appointment at a certain time, for example, unless I know that I have no conflicting appointments at that time, and not just "no conflicting appointments in (current-application)". So eventually, the library could also provide a calendar "database" or object-store, similar to what BBDB and EBDB provide for contacts, so that different applications can share a single view of all the calendar data that a user brings into Emacs, regardless of how or where they were initially recorded, and make queries over the whole set.

Finally, there are a number of other standards related to RFC5545 that the library could eventually support: iTIP (RFC5546), CalDAV (RFC4791), jCal (RFC7265), and so on. These don't necessarily need to be in Emacs itself, but the library should at least be designed with such extensions in mind, so that third-party packages can implement them without resorting to relying on private APIs or re-implementing parts of the iCalendar standard themselves.

I think such a library would be useful to have in core Emacs, because it would be useful to have in the applications Emacs already contains (especially diary, Org Mode, and Gnus). If these applications could rely on a more robust iCalendar library, they wouldn't need partial implementations in their own code.

We're a long way from all that, but for me at least, the time has come to start working toward it.

Parsing iCalendar objects

I decided to start by implementing a parser for the iCalendar grammar, since it's a relatively self-contained project. It also allows me to easily implement syntax highlighting for iCalendar data, which Emacs doesn't have yet. This is probably because people rarely edit iCalendar data by hand; but having syntax highlighting will make it easier to see where real life data departs from the standard, and be helpful when debugging a more featureful implementation.

So that's what I've done here: the code below implements the iCalendar grammar as specified in RFC5545, and defines a simple major mode, icalendar-mode, which provides syntax highlighting via Emacs' font-lock-mode.

The iCalendar standard is well laid out and translates readily into code. (In some cases I could almost literally copy a section of the standard, adjust the punctuation a bit, and get working code.) The standard expresses the entire syntax in EBNF form, which can easily be parsed with regular expressions. So the approach I've taken here is basically just to encode the grammar as defined in the standard directly into Emacs' rx notation. The standard also (mostly) proceeds axiomatically—later sections only refer to definitions in earlier ones—so I have (mostly) followed the order in the standard here. I've also reused the names of the standard's grammar (prefixed here with "ical:", which the reader expands to "icalendar-") as much as possible. This makes it easy to find the corresponding part of the standard when reading the code.

(If you're reading this in Org mode, and want to view the code all together, use M-x org-babel-tangle and then open the files icalendar-parser.el and icalendar-mode.el which it creates.)

File header

;;; icalendar-parser.el --- Parse iCalendar grammar  -*- lexical-binding:t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Richard Lawrence

;; Author: Richard Lawrence <>
;; Created: October 2024
;; Keywords: calendar

;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. But the Author hopes it might
;; be one day! 

;; This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this file.  If not, see <>.

;;; Commentary:

;; This file defines regular expressions, functions and macros that
;; implement the iCalendar grammar according to RFC5545.
;; iCalendar data is grouped into *components*, such as events or
;; to-do items. Each component contains one or more *content lines*,
;; which each contain a *property* name and its *value*, and possibly
;; also property *parameters* with additional data that affects the
;; interpretation of the property.
;; The macros ical:define-parameter, ical:define-property and
;; ical:define-component each create rx-style regular expressions and
;; a parsing function for one of these categories in the grammar and
;; are used to define the particular parameters, properties and
;; components in the standard. These parsing functions and regular
;; expressions are also used to create entries for
;; `font-lock-keywords', which are gathered into several constants
;; along the way, and used to provide syntax highlighting in
;; icalendar-mode.el. A number of other regular expressions which
;; encode basic categories of the grammar are also defined.
;; According to RFC5545, iCalendar content lines longer than 75 octets
;; should be *folded* by inserting extra line breaks and leading
;; whitespace to continue the line. Such lines must be *unfolded*
;; before they can be parsed. This file also defines functions for
;; folding and unfolding lines. Unfolding can only reliably happen
;; before Emacs decodes a region of text, because decoding potentially
;; replaces the CR-LF line endings which terminate content lines.
;; Programs that can control when decoding happens should use the
;; stricter `ical:unfold-undecoded-region' to unfold text; programs
;; that must work with decoded data should use the looser
;; `ical:unfold-region'. `ical:fold-region' will fold content lines
;; using line breaks appropriate to the buffer's coding system.

;;; Code:

Folding and unfolding content lines

The main unit of data in an iCalendar file is the content line. A content line contains a single property name and value, and is terminated by a CR-LF sequence. The standard requires that content lines longer than 75 bytes be "folded" when iCalendar data is produced: an extra CR-LF sequence, followed by a single space or tab character, is used to break up the line. Such lines must be "unfolded" before the data is parsed.

This code took me a lot longer to write than I thought it would, because I eventually realized that unfolding can only reliably happen before text is decoded, which sent me down a rabbit hole of things I don't usually have to think about and didn't previously know much about (how files get loaded into buffers, coding systems, etc.).

icalendar.el kind of wings it when it comes to unfolding, first replacing all "" sequences with "" and then replacing the latter when followed by a space or tab. I can now understand why: decoding might have already replaced CR-LF line endings with plain newlines, and it doesn't seem possible to detect in general whether this has happened in a region of text or not.

I've tried to do a bit better here, providing a path that strictly follows the standard for programs that can control when decoding happens, and a looser, best-effort path for programs that can't. But there's probably still many improvements to be made.

(defun ical:unfold-undecoded-region (start end &optional buffer)
  "Unfold an undecoded region in BUFFER between START and END.
If omitted, BUFFER defaults to the current buffer.

'Unfolding' means removing the whitespace characters inserted to
continue lines longer than 75 octets (see `ical:fold-region' for
the folding operation). RFC5545 specifies these whitespace
characters to be a CR-LF sequence followed by a single space or
tab character. Unfolding can only be done reliably before a
region is decoded, since decoding potentially replaces CR-LF line
endings. This function searches strictly for CR-LF sequences, and
will fail if they have already been replaced, so it should only
be called with a region that has not yet been decoded."
  (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
    (with-restriction start end
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (re-search-forward (rx (seq "\r\n" (or " " "\t")))
                                nil t)
        (replace-match "" nil nil)))))

(defun ical:unfold-region (start end &optional buffer)
  "Unfold a region in BUFFER between START and END. If omitted,
BUFFER defaults to the current buffer.

'Unfolding' means removing the whitespace characters inserted to
continue lines longer than 75 octets (see `ical:fold-region' for
the folding operation).

WARNING: Unfolding can only be done reliably before text is
decoded, since decoding potentially replaces CR-LF line endings.
Unfolding an already-decoded region could lead to unexpected
results, such as displaying multibyte characters incorrectly,
depending on the contents and the coding system used.

This function attempts to do the right thing even if the region
is already decoded. If it is still undecoded, it is better to
call `ical:unfold-undecoded-region' directly instead, and decode
it afterward."
  ;; TODO: also make this a command so it can be run manually?
  (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
    (let ((was-multibyte enable-multibyte-characters)
          (start-char (position-bytes start))
          (end-char (position-bytes end)))
      ;; we put the buffer in unibyte mode and later restore its
      ;; previous state, so that if the buffer was already multibyte,
      ;; any multibyte characters where line folds broke up their
      ;; bytes can be reinterpreted:
      (set-buffer-multibyte nil) 
      (with-restriction start-char end-char
        (goto-char (point-min))
        ;; since we can't be sure that line folds have a leading CR
        ;; in already-decoded regions, do the best we can:
        (while (re-search-forward (rx (seq (zero-or-one "\r") "\n"
                                           (or " " "\t")))
                                  nil t) 
          (replace-match "" nil nil)))                
      ;; restore previous state, possibly reinterpreting characters:
      (set-buffer-multibyte was-multibyte))))

(defun ical:unfolded-buffer-from-region (start end &optional buffer)
  "Create a new buffer with the same contents as the region between
START and END (in BUFFER, if provided) and perform line unfolding
in the new buffer with `ical:unfold-region'. That function can in
some cases have undesirable effects; see its docstring. If BUFFER
is visiting a file, it may be better to reload its contents from
that file and perform line unfolding before decoding; see
`ical:unfolded-buffer-from-file'. Returns the new buffer."
  (let* ((old-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer)))
         (contents (with-current-buffer old-buffer
                     (buffer-substring start end)))
         (old-cs (with-current-buffer old-buffer
         (uf-buffer (generate-new-buffer
               (concat (buffer-name old-buffer)
                             "~UNFOLDED")))) ;; TODO: again, move to modeline?
    (with-current-buffer uf-buffer
      (insert contents)
      (ical:unfold-region (point-min) (point-max))
      ;; ensure we'll use CR-LF line endings on write, even if they weren't
      ;; in the source data. The standard also says UTF-8 is the default
      ;; encoding, so use 'prefer-utf-8-dos when last-coding-system-used
      ;; is nil.
      (setq buffer-file-coding-system
            (if last-coding-system-used 
                (coding-system-change-eol-conversion last-coding-system-used

(defun ical:unfolded-buffer-from-buffer (buffer)
  "Create a new buffer with the same contents as BUFFER and perform
line unfolding with `ical:unfold-region'. That function can in
some cases have undesirable effects; see its docstring. If BUFFER
is visiting a file, it may be better to reload its contents from
that file and perform line unfolding before decoding; see
`ical:unfolded-buffer-from-file'. Returns the new buffer."
  (with-current-buffer buffer
    (ical:unfolded-buffer-from-region (point-min) (point-max) buffer)))

(defun ical:unfolded-buffer-from-file (filename &optional visit beg end)
    "Create a new buffer with the contents of FILENAME and perform
line unfolding with `ical:unfold-undecoded-region', then decode
the buffer, setting an appropriate value for
`buffer-file-coding-system'. Optional arguments VISIT, BEG, END
are as in `insert-file-contents'. Returns the new buffer."
    (unless (and (file-exists-p filename)
                 (file-readable-p filename))
      (error "File cannot be read: %s" filename))
    ;; TODO: instead of messing with the buffer name, it might be more
    ;; useful to keep track of the folding state in a variable and
    ;; display it somewhere else in the mode line
    (let ((uf-buffer (generate-new-buffer (concat (file-name-nondirectory filename)
      (with-current-buffer uf-buffer 
        (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
        (insert-file-contents-literally filename visit beg end t)
        (ical:unfold-undecoded-region (point-min) (point-max))
        (set-buffer-multibyte t)
        (decode-coding-inserted-region (point-min) (point-max) filename)
        ;; ensure we'll use CR-LF line endings on write, even if they weren't
        ;; in the source data. The standard also says UTF-8 is the default
        ;; encoding, so use 'prefer-utf-8-dos when last-coding-system-used
        ;; is nil. FIXME: for some reason, this doesn't seem to run at all!
        (setq buffer-file-coding-system
              (if last-coding-system-used 
                  (coding-system-change-eol-conversion last-coding-system-used
        ;; restore buffer name after renaming by set-visited-file-name:
        (let ((bname (buffer-name)))
          (set-visited-file-name filename t)
          (rename-buffer bname)))

(defun ical:fold-region (begin end &optional use-tabs)
  "Fold all content lines in the region longer than 75 octets.

'Folding' means inserting a line break and a single space
character at the beginning of the new line. If USE-TABS is
non-nil, insert a tab character instead of a single space.

RFC5545 specifies that lines longer than 75 *octets* (excluding
the line-ending CR-LF sequence) must be folded, and allows that
some implementations might fold lines in the middle of a
multibyte character. This function takes care not to do that in a
buffer where `enable-multibyte-characters' is non-nil, and only
folds between character boundaries. If the buffer is in unibyte
mode, however, and contains undecoded multibyte data, it may fold
lines in the middle of a multibyte character."
  ;; TODO: also make this a command so it can be run manually?
    (goto-char begin)
    (when (not (bolp))
      (let ((inhibit-field-text-motion t))
    (let ((bol (point))
          (eol (make-marker))
          (reg-end (make-marker))
            ;; if \n will be translated to \r\n on save (EOL type 1,
            ;; "DOS"), just insert \n, otherwise the full fold sequence:
            ;; FIXME: is buffer-file-coding-system the only relevant one here?
            ;; What if the buffer is not visiting a file, but has come from a
            ;; process, represents a mime part in an email, etc.?
            (if (eq 1 (coding-system-eol-type buffer-file-coding-system))
            ;; leading whitespace after line break:
            (if use-tabs "\t" " ")))
      (set-marker reg-end end)
      (while (< bol reg-end)
        (let ((inhibit-field-text-motion t))
        (set-marker eol (point))
        (when (< 75 (- (position-bytes (marker-position eol))
                       (position-bytes bol)))
           ;; the max of 75 excludes the two CR-LF
           ;; characters we're about to add:
           (byte-to-position (+ 75 (position-bytes bol))))
          (insert line-fold)
          (set-marker eol (point))) 
        (setq bol (goto-char (1+ eol)))))))

(defun ical:contains-folded-lines-p ()
  "Determine whether the current buffer contains folded content
lines that should be unfolded for parsing and display purposes.
If it does, return the position at the end of the first fold."
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (re-search-forward (rx (seq line-start (or " " "\t")))
                       nil t)))

(defun ical:contains-unfolded-lines-p ()
  "Determine whether the current buffer contains long content lines
that should be folded before saving or transmitting. If it does,
return the position at the beginning of the first line that
requires folding."
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (let ((bol (point))
          (eol (make-marker)))
      (catch 'unfolded-line
        (while (< bol (point-max))
          (let ((inhibit-field-text-motion t))
          (set-marker eol (point))
          ;; the max of 75 excludes the two CR-LF characters
          ;; after position eol:
          (when (< 75 (- (position-bytes (marker-position eol))
                         (position-bytes bol)))
            (throw 'unfolded-line bol))
          (setq bol (goto-char (1+ eol))))

Basic regular expressions

Now we can finally get on with parsing. These are some regular expressions that define the categories at the bottom of the iCalendar grammar; they're needed in lots of places later:

;; Section 3.1: Content lines

;; Regexp constants for parsing:
(rx-define ical:iana-token
  (one-or-more (any alnum "-")))

(rx-define ical:x-name
  (seq "X-"
      ;; Group 1: vendorid:
      (zero-or-one (group (>= 3 (any alnum))) "-")
      ;; Group 2: name:
      (group (one-or-more (any alnum "-")))))

(rx-define ical:name
  (or ical:iana-token ical:x-name))

(rx-define ical:crlf
  (seq #x12 #xa))

(rx-define ical:control
  ;; All the controls except HTAB
  (any (#x00 . #x08) (#x0A . #x1F) #x7F))

;; TODO: double check that "whitespace" and "nonascii" classes actually
;; correspond to the ranges in the standards
(rx-define ical:safe-char
  ;; Any character except ical:control, ?\", ?\;, ?:, ?,
  (any whitespace #x21  (#x23 . #x2B) (#x2D . #x39) (#x3C . #x7E) nonascii))

(rx-define ical:qsafe-char
  ;; Any character except ical:control and ?"
  (any whitespace #x21 (#x23 . #x7E) nonascii))

(rx-define ical:quoted-string
  (seq ?\" (zero-or-more ical:qsafe-char) ?\"))

(rx-define ical:paramtext
  (zero-or-more ical:safe-char))

(rx-define ical:param-name
  (or ical:iana-token ical:x-name))

(rx-define ical:param-value
  (or ical:paramtext ical:quoted-string))

(rx-define ical:value-char
  (any whitespace (#x21 . #x7E) nonascii))

(rx-define ical:value
  (zero-or-more ical:value-char))

;; some helpers for brevity, not defined in the standard:
(rx-define ical:comma-list (item-rx)
  (seq item-rx
       (zero-or-more (seq ?, item-rx))))

(rx-define ical:semicolon-list (item-rx)
  (seq item-rx
       (zero-or-more (seq ?\; item-rx))))

Regular expressions for data types

Now we get into the regular expressions which define categories of actual interest in the grammar: properties, parameters, data types.

;; Section 3.3: Property Value Data Types

;; Note: These definitions are here (out of order) because a few of them
;; are already required for property parameter definitions (section 3.2) below.

;; from
(rx-define ical:mimetype-regname
  (** 1 127 (any alnum ?! ?# ?$ ?& ?. ?+ ?- ?^ ?_)))

(rx-define ical:mimetype
  (seq ical:mimetype-regname "/" ical:mimetype-regname))

;; TODO: see
(rx-define ical:rfc5646-lang
  (one-or-more (any alnum ?-))) 

;; from
(rx-define ical:base64char
  (any (?A . ?Z) (?a . ?z) (?0 . ?9) ?+ ?/))

(rx-define ical:binary
  (seq (zero-or-more (= 4 ical:base64char))
       (zero-or-one (or (seq (= 2 ical:base64char "=="))
                        (seq (= 3 ical:base64char "="))))))

(rx-define ical:boolean
  (or "TRUE"

(rx-define ical:cal-address

(rx-define ical:quoted-cal-address
  (seq ?\" ical:cal-address ?\"))

(rx-define ical:quoted-cal-address-list
  (seq ical:quoted-cal-address
       (zero-or-more (seq "," ical:quoted-cal-address))))

;; Date and Time:

(rx-define ical:year
  (= 4 digit))

(rx-define ical:month
  (= 2 digit))

(rx-define ical:mday
  (= 2 digit))

(rx-define ical:date
  (seq ical:year ical:month ical:mday))

(rx-define ical:time
  (seq (= 6 digit) (zero-or-one ?Z))) 

(rx-define ical:date-time
  (seq ical:date ?T ical:time))

(rx-define ical:dur-second
  (seq (one-or-more digit) ?S))

(rx-define ical:dur-minute
  (seq (one-or-more digit) ?M (zero-or-one ical:dur-second)))

(rx-define ical:dur-hour
  (seq (one-or-more digit) ?H (zero-or-one ical:dur-minute)))

(rx-define ical:dur-day
  (seq (one-or-more digit) ?D))

(rx-define ical:dur-week
  (seq (one-or-more digit) ?W))

(rx-define ical:dur-time
  (seq ?T (or ical:dur-hour ical:dur-minute ical:dur-second)))

(rx-define ical:dur-date
  (seq ical:dur-day (zero-or-one ical:dur-time)))

(rx-define ical:dur-value
   (zero-or-one (or ?+ ?-))
   (or ical:dur-date ical:dur-time ical:dur-week)))

(rx-define ical:float
   (zero-or-one (or ?+ ?-))
   (one-or-more digit)
   (zero-or-one (seq ?. (one-or-more digit)))))

(rx-define ical:integer
   (zero-or-one (or ?+ ?-))
   (one-or-more digit)))

(rx-define ical:period
   (seq ical:date-time "/" ical:date-time)
   (seq ical:date-time "/" ical:dur-value)))

;; Recurrence rules:
(rx-define ical:freq

(rx-define ical:weekday
   (or "SU" "MO" "TU" "WE" "TH" "FR" "SA"))

(rx-define ical:ordwk
  (** 1 2 digit)) ; 1 to 53

(rx-define ical:weekdaynum
   (seq (zero-or-one (seq (zero-or-one (or ?+ ?-))

(rx-define ical:weeknum
  (seq (zero-or-one (or ?+ ?-))

(rx-define ical:monthdaynum
  (seq (zero-or-one (or ?+ ?-))
       (** 1 2 digit))) ; 1 to 31

(rx-define ical:monthnum
  (seq (zero-or-one (or ?+ ?-))
       (** 1 2 digit))) ; 1 to 12

(rx-define ical:yeardaynum
  (seq (zero-or-one (or ?+ ?-))
       (** 1 3 digit))) ; 1 to 366

(rx-define ical:recur-rule-part
  (or (seq "FREQ" "=" ical:freq)
      (seq "UNTIL" "=" (or ical:date ical:date-time))
      (seq "COUNT" "=" (one-or-more digit))
      (seq "INTERVAL" "=" (one-or-more digit))
      (seq "BYSECOND" "=" (ical:comma-list (** 1 2 digit))) ; 0 to 60
      (seq "BYMINUTE" "=" (ical:comma-list (** 1 2 digit))) ; 0 to 59
      (seq "BYHOUR" "=" (ical:comma-list (** 1 2 digit))) ; 0 to 23
      (seq "BYDAY" "=" (ical:comma-list ical:weekdaynum))
      (seq "BYMONTHDAY" "=" (ical:comma-list ical:monthdaynum))
      (seq "BYYEARDAY" "=" (ical:comma-list ical:yeardaynum))
      (seq "BYWEEKNO" "=" (ical:comma-list ical:weeknum))
      (seq "BYMONTH" "=" (ical:comma-list ical:monthnum))
      (seq "BYSETPOS" "=" (ical:comma-list ical:yeardaynum))
      (seq "WKST" "=" ical:weekday)))

(rx-define ical:recur
  (ical:semicolon-list ical:recur-rule-part))

;; Text
(rx-define ical:escaped-char
   (seq ?\\ (or ?\\ ?\; ?, ?N ?n)))

(rx-define ical:text-safe-char
  (not (or ?\" ?\; ?: ?\\ ?, ical:control))) ;; TODO: is this correct?

(rx-define ical:text
  (zero-or-more (or ical:text-safe-char ?: ?\" ical:escaped-char)))

;; URIs; see
(rx-define ical:uri
  ;; TODO: parse more structure here? This regex only scans for
  ;; characters allowed by RFC3986. This is quite permissive and will
  ;; match e.g. most whole content lines, though it's still less
  ;; permissive than the regex suggested in the standard (see Appendix
    ;; B), which despite parsing more structure will also match the empty string.
    (any alnum ?- ?. ?_ ?~                   ; unreserved chars
            ?: ?/ ?? ?# ?\[ ?\] ?@              ; gen-delims
            ?! ?$ ?& ?' ?\( ?\) ?* ?+ ?, ?\; ?= ; sub-delims
            ?%)))                               ; for %-encoding

    (rx-define ical:quoted-uri
    (seq ?\" ical:uri ?\"))

    (rx-define ical:utc-offset
    (seq (or ?+ ?-)
        (or (= 4 digit) ;; TODO: as with times above, these could be narrower
            (= 6 digit))))

Property parameters

A single content line in an iCalendar file contains one property. A property has a name at the beginning of the line, and a value (following a colon) at the end of the line.

In between these there may be "property parameters": these are key-value metadata that can affect the interpretation of the property's value (such as what format it's in) or provide other information about the property.

We deal with parsing property parameters first, as the standard does. This is because the grammar of the parameters is needed to express the grammar for a line of data corresponding to a single property.

Here and in the other cases below, most of the work is done in a macro which takes care of defining a named regular expression via rx-define, and using it to set up an entry for font-lock-keywords, among other niceties.

For the purpose of defining syntax highlighting for icalendar-mode, these regular expressions are basically all that's needed. More will be required to implement a full parser that reads iCalendar data into Elisp data structures. That could also be done inside these macros; but I'll save that for later.

;; Section 3.2: Property Parameters

(defconst ical:params-font-lock-keywords nil ;; populated by ical:define-param
  "Entries for iCalendar property parameters in `font-lock-keywords'.")

(defmacro ical:define-param (symbolic-name doc param-name value &rest kwargs)
  "Define iCalendar parameter PARAM-NAME.

Generates a regular expression named SYMBOLIC-NAME to match the parameter,
which can then be used in other (rx-style) regular expressions.
  Group 1 of this regex matches PARAM-NAME.
  Group 2 matches VALUE, the regex that specifies a correct value
    for this parameter according to RFC5545.
  Group 3, if matched, contains any parameter value which does
    *not* match VALUE, and is incorrect according to the standard.
A parsing function that uses this regular expression is also defined.

KWARGS, if given, should be a plist with any of the following keys:
  :name-face - a face symbol for highlighting the property name
               (default: ical:parameter-name)
  :value-face - a face symbol for highlighting valid property values
               (default: ical:parameter-value)
  :warn-face - a face symbol for highlighting invalid property values
                   (default: ical:warning)"
  (let ((full-doc (format "%s=... %s" param-name doc))
        (name-face (or (plist-get kwargs :name-face) 'ical:parameter-name))
        (value-face (or (plist-get kwargs :value-face) 'ical:parameter-value))
        (warn-face (or (plist-get kwargs :warn-face) 'ical:warning))
        (parser-name (intern (concat "icalendar-parse-"
                                       (downcase param-name)

    ;; TODO: is it ok to use variable-documentation here?
    (put symbolic-name 'variable-documentation full-doc)
       ;; Regex which matches:
       ;; Group 1: the parameter name,
       ;; Group 2: correct values of the parameter, and 
       ;; Group 3: incorrect values up to the next parameter (for syntax warnings)
       ;; TODO: do we need strict and liberal variants??
       (rx-define ,symbolic-name
         (seq ";"
              (group-n 1 ,param-name)
              (or (group-n 2 ,value)
                  (group-n 3 ical:param-value))))

       (defun ,parser-name (limit)
         ,(format "Parser for %s parameter (defined by define-param)" param-name)
         (re-search-forward (rx ,symbolic-name) limit t))

       ;; Generate an entry for font-lock-keywords in icalendar-mode:
       (push (quote (,parser-name
                     (1 (quote ,name-face) t t)
                     (2 (quote ,value-face) t t)
                     (3 (quote ,warn-face) t t)))
       ;; TODO: integrate param-name with eldoc in icalendar-mode
       ;; TODO: use regex to parse into elisp data structure

(ical:define-param ical:altrepparam "Alternate text representation (URI)"
                   :value-face ical:uri)

(ical:define-param ical:cnparam "Common Name"

(ical:define-param ical:cutypeparam "Calendar User Type"
                   (or "INDIVIDUAL"   ; An individual (Default)
                       "GROUP"        ; A group of individuals
                       "RESOURCE"     ; A physical resource
                       "ROOM"         ; A room resource
                       "UNKNOWN"      ; Otherwise not known
                       ical:x-name    ; Experimental type
                   :value-face ical:keyword)

(ical:define-param ical:delfromparam "Delegators (address URIs)"
                   :value-face ical:uri) 

(ical:define-param ical:deltoparam "Delegatees (address URIs)"
                   :value-face ical:uri)

(ical:define-param ical:dirparam "Directory Entry Reference (URI)"
                   :value-face ical:uri)

(ical:define-param ical:encodingparam "Inline Encoding"
                   (or "8BIT" "BASE64")
                   :value-face ical:keyword)

(ical:define-param ical:fmttypeparam "Format Type (Mimetype per RFC4288)"

(ical:define-param ical:fbtypeparam "Free/Busy Time Type"
                   (or "FREE"
                       ical:x-name ; experimental free/busy type.
                       ical:iana-token) ; other IANA-registered type
                   :value-face ical:keyword) 

(ical:define-param ical:languageparam "Language tag (per RFC5646)"

(ical:define-param ical:memberparam "Group or List Membership (address URIs)"
                   :value-face ical:uri)

(ical:define-param ical:partstatparam "Participation status"
                   (or "NEEDS-ACTION" ; Default
                   :value-face ical:keyword)

(ical:define-param ical:rangeparam "Recurrence Identifier Range"
                   :value-face ical:keyword) ; only accepted value

(ical:define-param ical:trigrelparam "Alarm Trigger Relationship"
                   (or "START" "END")
                   :value-face ical:keyword)

(ical:define-param ical:reltypeparam "Relationship type"
                   (or "PARENT"    ; Default
                   :value-face ical:keyword)

(ical:define-param ical:roleparam "Participation role"
                   (or "CHAIR"             
                       "REQ-PARTICIPANT"   ; Indicates a participant whose
                                        ; participation is required (default)
                       "OPT-PARTICIPANT"   ; Indicates a participant whose
                                        ; participation is optional
                       "NON-PARTICIPANT"   ; Indicates a participant who
                                        ; is copied for information
                                        ; purposes only
                       ical:x-name         ; Experimental role
                       ical:iana-token)    ; Other IANA role
                   :value-face ical:keyword)   

(ical:define-param ical:rsvpparam "RSVP expectation (boolean)"
                   ical:boolean  ; default is false
                   :value-face ical:keyword) 

(ical:define-param ical:sentbyparam "Sent by"
                   :value-face ical:uri)

(ical:define-param ical:tzidparam "Time Zone identifier."
                   (seq (zero-or-one "/") ical:paramtext))

(ical:define-param ical:valuetypeparam "Property value data type"
                   (or "BINARY"
                   :value-face ical:keyword)

(rx-define ical:other-param-safe
  ;; we use this rx to skip params when matching properties and
  ;; their values. Thus we *don't* capture the param names and param values
  ;; in numbered groups here, which would clobber the groups of the enclosing
  ;; expression.
  (seq ";"
       (or ical:iana-token ical:x-name)
       (ical:comma-list ical:param-value)))

Property names and values

We now define a similar macro for properties themselves. Every property is specified on a single content line (after unfolding). So the regex our macro defines matches the property name at the beginning of the line, skips any parameters in the middle, and then matches the property value, between the colon and the end of line.

;; Properties:

(defconst ical:properties-font-lock-keywords
  nil ;; populated by ical:define-property
  "Entries for iCalendar properties in `font-lock-keywords'.")

(defmacro ical:define-property (symbolic-name doc property-name value &rest kwargs)
  "Define iCalendar property PROPERTY-NAME.

Generates a regular expression named SYMBOLIC-NAME to match the
property, which can then be used in other (rx-style) regular
  Group 1 of this regex matches PROPERTY-NAME.
  Group 2 matches VALUE, the regex that specifies a correct value
   for this property according to RFC5545.
  Group 3, if matched, contains any property value which does
   *not* match VALUE, and is incorrect according to the standard.
A parsing function that uses this regular expression is also defined.

KWARGS, if given, should be a plist with any of the following keys:
  :name-face - a face symbol for highlighting the property name
               (default: ical:property-name)
  :value-face - a face symbol for highlighting valid property values
               (default: ical:property-value)
  :warn-face - a face symbol for highlighting invalid property values
               (default: ical:warning)"
  (let ((full-doc (format "%s:... %s" property-name doc))
        (name-face (or (plist-get kwargs :name-face) 'ical:property-name))
        (value-face (or (plist-get kwargs :value-face) 'ical:property-value))
        (warn-face (or (plist-get kwargs :warn-face) 'ical:warning))
        (parser-name (intern (concat "icalendar-parse-"
                                     (downcase property-name)
    ;; TODO: is it ok to use variable-documentation here?
    (put symbolic-name 'variable-documentation full-doc)
       ;; Regex which matches:
       ;; Group 1: the property name,
       ;; Group 2: correct values of the property, and 
       ;; Group 3: incorrect values up to end-of-line (for syntax warnings)
       (rx-define ,symbolic-name
         (seq line-start
              (group-n 1 ,property-name)
              ;; TODO: define parameters to match too? capture these?
              (zero-or-more ical:other-param-safe)
              (or (group-n 2 ,value)
                  (group-n 3 (zero-or-more any)))

       (defun ,parser-name (limit)
         ,(format "Parser for %s property (defined by define-property)"
         (re-search-forward (rx ,symbolic-name) limit t))

       ;; Generate an entry for font-lock-keywords in icalendar-mode:
       (push (quote (,parser-name
                     (1 (quote ,name-face) t t)
                     (2 (quote ,value-face) t t)
                     (3 (quote ,warn-face) t t)))
       ;; TODO: integrate property-name with eldoc in icalendar-mode

;; Section 3.7: Calendar Properties

(ical:define-property ical:calscale "Calendar scale"
                      ;; only allowed value:
                      :value-face ical:keyword)

(ical:define-property ical:method "Method"

(ical:define-property ical:prodid "Product Identifier"

(ical:define-property ical:version "Version (2.0 corresponds to RFC5545)"
                      (or "2.0"
                                        ; minver ; maxver
                          (seq ical:iana-token ?\; ical:iana-token)))

;; Section 3.8:
;; Section 3.8.1: Descriptive Component Properties

(ical:define-property ical:attach "Attachment (URI or encoded binary)"
                      (or ical:uri

(ical:define-property ical:categories "Categories"
                      (ical:comma-list ical:text))

(ical:define-property ical:class "(Access) Classification"
                      (or "PUBLIC" ; Default
                      :value-face ical:keyword)

(ical:define-property ical:comment "Comment to calendar user"

(ical:define-property ical:description "Description"

(ical:define-property ical:geo "Global position (latitude;longitude)"
                      (seq ical:float ?\; ical:float)
                      :value-face ical:numeric-types)

(ical:define-property ical:location "Location"

(ical:define-property ical:percent-complete "Percent Complete"
                      :value-face ical:numeric-types)

(ical:define-property ical:priority "Priority (0-9, default 0)"
                      :value-face ical:numeric-types)

(ical:define-property ical:resources "Resources"
                      (ical:comma-list ical:text))

(ical:define-property ical:status "Status"
                      ;; Note that this does NOT allow arbitrary text:
                      (or "TENTATIVE"
                      :value-face ical:keyword)

(ical:define-property ical:summary "Summary"

;; Section 3.8.2: Date and Time Component Properties

(ical:define-property ical:completed "Completed"
                      :value-face ical:date-time-types)

(ical:define-property ical:dtend "Date-Time End"
                      (or ical:date-time ; Default
                      :value-face ical:date-time-types)

(ical:define-property ical:dtstamp "Date-Time Stamp"
                      :value-face ical:date-time-types)

(ical:define-property ical:due "Due"
                      (or ical:date-time ; Default
                      :value-face ical:date-time-types)

(ical:define-property ical:dtstart "Date-Time Start"
                      (or ical:date-time ; Default
                      :value-face ical:date-time-types)

(ical:define-property ical:duration "Duration"
                      :value-face ical:date-time-types)

(ical:define-property ical:freebusy "Free/Busy Time"
                      (ical:comma-list ical:period)
                      :value-face ical:date-time-types)

(ical:define-property ical:transp "Time Transparency"
                      ;; Note that this does NOT allow arbitrary text:
                      (or "TRANSPARENT"
                      :value-face ical:keyword)

;; Section 3.8.3: Time Zone Component Properties

(ical:define-property ical:tzid "Time Zone Identifier"
                      (seq (zero-or-one "/") ical:text))

(ical:define-property ical:tzname "Time Zone Name"

(ical:define-property ical:tzoffsetfrom "Time Zone Offset (prior to this TZ observance)"
                      :value-face ical:date-time-types)

(ical:define-property ical:tzoffsetto "Time Zone Offset (in this TZ observance)"
                      :value-face ical:date-time-types)

(ical:define-property ical:tzurl "Time Zone Url"
                      :value-face ical:uri)

;; Section 3.8.4: Relationship Component Properties

(ical:define-property ical:attendee "Attendee"
                      :value-face ical:uri)

(ical:define-property ical:contact "Contact"

(ical:define-property ical:organizer "Organizer"
                      :value-face ical:uri)

(ical:define-property ical:recurrence-id "Recurrence ID"
                      (or ical:date-time ; Default
                      :value-face ical:date-time-types)

(ical:define-property ical:related-to "Related To (component UID)"

(ical:define-property ical:url "Uniform Resource Locator"
                      :value-face ical:uri)

(ical:define-property ical:uid "Unique Identifier"

;; Section 3.8.5: Recurrence Component Properties

(ical:define-property ical:exdate "Exception Date-Times"
                      (ical:comma-list (or ical:date-time
                      :value-face ical:date-time-types)

(ical:define-property ical:rdate "Recurrence Date-Times"
                      (ical:comma-list (or ical:date-time
                      :value-face ical:date-time-types)

(ical:define-property ical:rrule "Recurrence Rule"
                      :value-face ical:recurrence-rule)

;; Section 3.8.6: Alarm Component Properties

(ical:define-property ical:action "Action (when alarm triggered)"
                      (or "AUDIO"
                      :value-face ical:keyword)

(ical:define-property ical:repeat "Repeat Count (after initial trigger)"
                      ical:integer  ; Default: 0
                      :value-face ical:numeric-types)

(ical:define-property ical:trigger "Trigger"
                      (or ical:dur-value
                      :value-face ical:date-time-types) 

;; Section 3.8.7: Change Management Component Properties

(ical:define-property ical:created "Date-Time Created"
                      :value-face ical:date-time-types)

                                        ; another DTSTAMP, to represent creation time or last update,
                                        ; depending on presence of METHOD.
                                        ; TODO: is this different than the one above??

(ical:define-property ical:last-modified "Last Modified"
                      :value-face ical:date-time-types)

(ical:define-property ical:sequence "Sequence Number"
                      ical:integer ; Default: 0
                      :value-face ical:numeric-types)

;; Section 3.8.8: Miscellaneous Component Properties
;; IANA and X- properties should be parsed but can be ignored:
(rx-define ical:iana-or-x-name-property
  (seq line-start
       (group-n 1 (or ical:iana-token ical:x-name)
       ;; TODO: define parameters to match too? capture these?
       (zero-or-more (seq ?\; ical:other-param-safe))
       (group-n 2 ical:value)

(defconst ical:ignored-properties-font-lock-keywords
  `((,(rx ical:iana-or-x-name-property) (1 'ical:ignored keep)
                                        (2 'ical:ignored keep)))
  "Entries for iCalendar ignored properties in `font-lock-keywords'.")

(ical:define-property ical:request-status "Request status"
                       ;; statcode: hierarchical status code
                       (seq (one-or-more digit)
                            (** 1 2 (seq ?. (one-or-more digit))))
                       ;; statdesc: status description
                       ;; exdata: exception data
                       (zero-or-one (seq ?\; ical:text))))


Finally, another macro to define components, which are container objects that wrap a set of properties. Every property belongs to a component.

;; Section 3.6: Calendar Components

(defconst ical:components-font-lock-keywords
  nil ;; populated by ical:define-component
  "Entries for iCalendar components in `font-lock-keywords'.")

(defmacro ical:define-component (symbolic-name doc component-name &rest kwargs)
  "Define iCalendar component COMPONENT-NAME.

Generates a regular expression named SYMBOLIC-NAME to match the component,
which can then be used in other (rx-style) regular expressions.
  Group 1 of this regex matches the \"BEGIN\" or \"END\" keyword that marks
    a component boundary.
  Group 2 matches COMPONENT-NAME, a string that specifies a name
    for this component according to RFC5545.
A parsing function that uses this regular expression is also defined.

KWARGS, if given, should be a plist with any of the following keys:
  :keyword-face - a face symbol for highlighting the BEGIN/END keyword
               (default: ical:keyword)
  :name-face - a face symbol for highlighting the component name
               (default: ical:component-name)"
  ;; TODO: use params to encode property constraints
  (let ((full-doc (format "%s:... %s" component-name doc))
        (keyword-face (or (plist-get kwargs :keyword-face) 'ical:keyword))
        (name-face (or (plist-get kwargs :name-face) 'ical:component-name))
        (parser-name (intern (concat "icalendar-parse-"
                                     (downcase component-name)
    ;; TODO: is it ok to use variable-documentation here?
    (put symbolic-name 'variable-documentation full-doc)
       ;; Regex which matches:
       ;; Group 1: BEGIN or END, and
       ;; Group 2: the component name
       (rx-define ,symbolic-name
         (seq line-start
              (group-n 1 (or "BEGIN" "END"))
              (group-n 2 ,component-name)

       (defun ,parser-name (limit)
         ,(format "Parser for %s component (defined by define-component)"
           (re-search-forward (rx ,symbolic-name) limit t))

       ;; Generate an entry for font-lock-keywords in icalendar-mode:
       (push (quote (,parser-name
               (1 (quote ,keyword-face) t t)
               (2 (quote ,name-face) t t)))
       ;; TODO: integrate component-name with eldoc in icalendar-mode

(ical:define-component ical:vevent "Event Component"

(ical:define-component ical:todo "To-Do Component"

(ical:define-component ical:vjournal "Journal Component"

(ical:define-component ical:vfreebusy "Free/Busy Component"

(ical:define-component ical:vtimezone "Time Zone Component"

(ical:define-component ical:standard "Standard-Time Subcomponent"

(ical:define-component ical:daylight "Daylight-Time Subcomponent"

(ical:define-component ical:valarm "Alarm Component"

;; TODO: technically VCALENDAR is not a "component", but for the purposes
;; of syntax highlighting, it looks just like one, so we define it as such here:
(ical:define-component ical:vcalendar "Calendar Object"

Defining icalendar-mode

I now want to define a major mode, icalendar-mode, using the grammar defined above. This is the first time I've ever written a major mode! (I don't very often come across file formats that Emacs doesn't already support!) I was surprised how easy it was to get a minimal mode working, with syntax highlighting provided by font-lock-mode. Setting up font-lock-keywords is essentially all that's needed.

File header

;;; icalendar-mode.el --- Major mode for iCalendar format  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-   

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Richard Lawrence

;; Author: Richard Lawrence <>
;; Keywords: calendar

;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. But the Author hopes it might
;; be one day! 

;; This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this file.  If not, see <>.

;;; Commentary:

;; This file defines icalendar-mode, a major mode for editing
;; iCalendar data. It defines a syntax table, faces, hooks, and
;; commands for the mode and sets up syntax highlighting via
;; font-lock-mode. Syntax highlighting uses the entries for
;; font-lock-keywords already gathered in icalendar-parser.el, which
;; see.

;; When activated, icalendar-mode offers to unfold content lines if
;; necessary, and switch to a new buffer containing the unfolded data;
;; see `ical:maybe-switch-to-unfolded-buffer'. This is because the
;; parsing facilities, and thus syntax highlighting, assume that
;; content lines have already been unfolded. When a buffer is saved,
;; icalendar-mode also offers to fold long content if necessary, as
;; required by RFC5545; see `ical:before-save-checks'.

;;; Code:
(require 'icalendar-parser)

Faces and Custom setup

We start by defining some faces for syntax highlighting. I've tried to make them all inherit from some sensible font-lock face, so hopefully they'll look reasonable in any color theme:

;; Faces:
(defgroup ical:faces
  '((ical:property-name custom-face)
    (ical:property-value custom-face)
    (ical:parameter-name custom-face)
    (ical:parameter-value custom-face)
    (ical:component-name custom-face)
    (ical:keyword custom-face)
    (ical:binary-data custom-face)
    (ical:date-time-types custom-face)
    (ical:numeric-types custom-face)
    (ical:recurrence-rule custom-face)
    (ical:warning custom-face)
    (ical:ignored custom-face))
  "Faces for icalendar-mode.") ; TODO: :group

(defface ical:property-name
  '((default . (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))
  "Face for iCalendar property names")

(defface ical:property-value
  '((default . (:inherit default)))
  "Face for iCalendar property values")

(defface ical:parameter-name
  '((default . (:inherit font-lock-property-name-face)))
  "Face for iCalendar parameter names")

(defface ical:parameter-value
  '((default . (:inherit font-lock-property-use-face)))
  "Face for iCalendar parameter values")

(defface ical:component-name
  '((default . (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)))
  "Face for iCalendar component names")

(defface ical:keyword
  '((default . (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))
  "Face for other iCalendar keywords")

(defface ical:binary-data
  '((default . (:inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
  "Face for iCalendar values that represent binary data")

(defface ical:date-time-types
  '((default . (:inherit font-lock-type-face)))
  "Face for iCalendar values that represent dates, date-times,
durations, periods, and UTC offsets")

(defface ical:numeric-types
  '((default . (:inherit ical:property-value-face)))
  "Face for iCalendar values that represent integers, floats, and geolocations")

(defface ical:recurrence-rule
  '((default . (:inherit font-lock-type-face)))
  "Face for iCalendar recurrence rule values")

(defface ical:uri
  '((default . (:inherit ical:property-value-face :underline t)))
  "Face for iCalendar values that are URIs (including URLs and mail addresses)")

(defface ical:warning
  '((default . (:inherit font-lock-warning-face)))
  "Face for iCalendar syntax errors")

(defface ical:ignored
  '((default . (:inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
  "Face for iCalendar syntax which is parsed but ignored")

Syntax table

For most characters, the standard syntax table is sufficient in icalendar-mode; but a couple of characters need to be adjusted:

(defvar icalendar-mode-syntax-table
    (let ((st (make-syntax-table)))
      ;; Characters for which the standard syntax table suffices:
      ;; ; (punctuation): separates some property values, and property parameters
      ;; " (string): begins and ends string values
      ;; : (punctuation): separates property name (and parameters) from property values
      ;; , (punctuation): separates values in a list
      ;; CR, LF (whitespace): content line endings
      ;; space (whitespace): when at the beginning of a line, continues the previous line

      ;; Characters which need to be adjusted from the standard syntax table:
      ;; = is punctuation, not a symbol constituent:
      (modify-syntax-entry ?= ".   " st)
      ;; / is punctuation, not a symbol constituent:
      (modify-syntax-entry ?/ ".   " st)
    "Syntax table used in `icalendar-mode'.")

Font lock

For now I have just taken the naive approach of piling all the ical:*-font-lock-keywords entries made above into a single variable, and setting that as the local value of font-lock-keywords in icalendar-mode. There's probably a better way to do this, but this works and highlights everything as expected, with no noticeable delay on my laptop, even in a fairly large test file.

(defvar ical:font-lock-keywords
  (append ical:params-font-lock-keywords
  "Value of `font-lock-keywords' for icalendar-mode.")

Mode hooks

(defvar ical:mode-hook nil
  "Hook run when activating `icalendar-mode'.")

Automatic mode activation

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ics\\'" . icalendar-mode))

;; TODO: is there a corresponding list by mimetype for buffers
;; displaying message parts? Thought I saw this somewhere...


For now, the only commands I've defined have to do with folding and unfolding. Given that unfolding should best be done before a file is decoded, and folding must be done before the data is saved to a file, the best editing interface I can come up with at the moment looks like this:

  1. When icalendar-mode is first activated in a buffer, offer to unfold lines if necessary, in a new buffer
  2. Recommend that the user turn off auto-fill-mode and use visual-line-mode instead in unfolded buffers
  3. When saving a buffer in icalendar-mode, offer to fold lines if necessary.

Here I've done (1) and (2) by putting ical:maybe-switch-to-unfolded-buffer in ical:mode-hook and (3) by putting ical:before-save-checks in before-save-hook.

I don't find this entirely satisfactory, though. If someone really is using icalendar-mode to edit iCalendar data, then constantly having to undo the folding after every save could get tiresome. This needs more thought and feedback from real use. Other possibilities include:

  • keeping line folds when present, but using overlays to hide them, and using the filling machinery to fold insertions as needed
  • loosening up the grammar so that syntax highlighting works with folded lines, too. This would be tricky, though.
(defun ical:switch-to-unfolded-buffer ()
  "Switch to viewing the contents of the current buffer in a new
buffer where content lines have been unfolded.

'Folding' means inserting a line break and a single whitespace
character to continue lines longer than 75 octets; 'unfolding'
means removing the extra whitespace inserted by folding. The
iCalendar standard (RFC5545) requires folding lines when
serializing data to iCalendar format, and unfolding before
parsing it. In icalendar-mode, folded lines may not have proper
syntax highlighting; this command allows you to view iCalendar
data with proper syntax highlighting, as the parser sees it.

If the current buffer is visiting a file, this function will
offer to save the buffer first, and then reload the contents from
the file, performing unfolding with `ical:unfold-undecoded-region'
before decoding it. This is the most reliable way to unfold lines.

If it is not visiting a file, it will unfold the new buffer
with `ical:unfold-region'. This can in some cases have
undesirable effects (see its docstring), so the original contents
are preserved unchanged in the current buffer.

In both cases, after switching to the new buffer, this command
offers to kill the original buffer.

It is recommended to turn off `auto-fill-mode' when viewing an
unfolded buffer, so that filling does not interfere with syntax
highlighting. This function offers to disable `auto-fill-mode' if
it is enabled in the new buffer; consider using
`visual-line-mode' instead."
  (when (and buffer-file-name (buffer-modified-p))
    (when (y-or-n-p (format "Save before reloading from %s?"
                            (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
  (let ((old-buffer (current-buffer))
        (mmode major-mode)
        (uf-buffer (if buffer-file-name
                       (ical:unfolded-buffer-from-file buffer-file-name)
                     (ical:unfolded-buffer-from-buffer (current-buffer)))))
    (switch-to-buffer uf-buffer)
    ;; restart original major mode, in case the new buffer is
    ;; still in fundamental-mode: TODO: is this necessary?
    (funcall mmode) 
    (when (y-or-n-p (format "Unfolded buffer is shown. Kill %s?"
                            (buffer-name old-buffer)))
      (kill-buffer old-buffer))
    (when (and auto-fill-function
               (y-or-n-p "Disable auto-fill-mode?"))
      (auto-fill-mode -1))))

(defun ical:maybe-switch-to-unfolded-buffer ()
  "Check for folded lines and ask for confirmation before calling
`ical:switch-to-unfolded-buffer', which see.

This function is intended to be run via `icalendar-mode-hook'
when `icalendar-mode' is activated."
  (if (ical:contains-folded-lines-p)
      (when (y-or-n-p "Buffer contains folded lines; unfold in new buffer?")
    ;; No need for unfolding, just inform the user:
    (message "Buffer does not contain any lines to unfold")))

(add-hook 'ical:mode-hook 'ical:maybe-switch-to-unfolded-buffer)

(defun ical:before-save-checks ()
  "Offer to change coding system and fold content lines in the
current buffer when saving a buffer in `icalendar-mode'.

The iCalendar standard requires CR-LF line endings, so if
`buffer-file-coding-system' does not use a coding system which
specifies them, this command offers to switch to a corresponding
coding system which does.

'Folding' means inserting a line break and a single whitespace
character to continue lines longer than 75 octets. The iCalendar
standard requires folding lines when serializing data to
iCalendar format, so if the buffer contains unfolded lines, this
command asks you whether you want to fold them."
  (when (eq major-mode 'icalendar-mode)
    (let* ((cs buffer-file-coding-system)
           (suggested-cs (if cs (coding-system-change-eol-conversion cs 'dos)
      (when (and (not (coding-system-equal cs suggested-cs))
                  (format "Current coding system %s does not use CR-LF line endings. Change to %s for save?" cs suggested-cs)))
        (set-buffer-file-coding-system suggested-cs))
      (when (and (ical:contains-unfolded-lines-p)
                 (y-or-n-p "Fold content lines before saving?"))
        (ical:fold-region (point-min) (point-max))))))

(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'ical:before-save-checks)

Mode definition

(define-derived-mode icalendar-mode text-mode "iCalendar"
  "Major mode for viewing and editing iCalendar (RFC5545) data.

This mode provides syntax highlighting for iCalendar components,
properties, values, and property parameters, and commands to deal
with folding and unfolding iCalendar content lines.

'Folding' means inserting whitespace characters to continue long
lines; 'unfolding' means removing the extra whitespace inserted
by folding. The iCalendar standard requires folding lines when
serializing data to iCalendar format, and unfolding before
parsing it.

Thus icalendar-mode's syntax highlighting is designed to work
with unfolded lines. When icalendar-mode is activated, it will
offer to unfold lines; see `ical:switch-to-unfolded-buffer'. It
will also offer to fold lines when saving a buffer to a file; see
`ical:before-save-checks'. That function also offers to convert
the line endings in the file to CR-LF, as the standard requires."
  :group 'icalendar
  :syntax-table icalendar-mode-syntax-table
  ;; TODO: Keymap?
  ;; TODO: buffer-local variables?
  ;; TODO: indent-line-function and indentation variables
  ;; TODO: mode-specific menu and context menus 
  ;; TODO: eldoc integration
  ;; TODO: completion of keywords 
  ;; TODO: hook for folding in change-major-mode-hook?
    (setq font-lock-defaults '(ical:font-lock-keywords nil t))))


And that's it! I can now turn on icalendar-mode to get syntax highlighting in iCalendar files, which even highlights invalid values.

With the grammar defined, the next step towards a more robust iCalendar library will be to define the data structures to represent iCalendar components and properties. I've been thinking of following gnus-icalendar.el here and using EIEIO for this, but am wary of the complexity that might introduce, and I'm open to all other ideas. To be continued!